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Baseboard Management Controller is an external computing system that lives on the same chassis as a server. It provides a remote monitoring solution for the host hardware. Dell's BMC is called iDRAC, but most other datacenter server manufacturers provide their own.


This is a tool on most Linux distributions that can be used to interact with the BMC through the IPMI interface.

Get BMC Address

Text Only
ipmitool lan print

Get Power Status

Text Only
ipmitool -U ADMIN -H -P <PASS> chassis power status


Redfish is an HTTP service that runs on a lot of modern BMCs that provides you with a REST endpoint for querying the BMC.


You must authenticate with Redfish to obtain an Auth token:

Text Only
curl --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -D headers.txt https://${bmc_ip}/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions -d '{"UserName":"admin", "Password":"password"}

A Python script, created by one of my coworkers at Lambda, can help automate this process.