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CLI Tools


strace can be used to inspect the system calls being made by an application.

Text Only
$ strace -f cat /tmp/hello.txt |& egrep 'hello'
execve("/bin/cat", ["cat", "/tmp/hello.txt"], 0x7fffffffc1a0 /* 115 vars */) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/tmp/hello.txt", O_RDONLY) = 3
read(3, "hello world\n", 131072)        = 12
write(1, "hello world\n", 12hello world

View listening ports

$ netstat -ntulp
$ netstat -anv
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)      rhiwat  shiwat    pid   epid state  options           gencnt    flags   flags1 usscnt rtncnt fltrs
tcp4       0      0        ESTABLISHED  407878  146988  34323      0 00102 00000004 000000000027587a 00000080 01000900      1      0 000001
tcp4       0      0         ESTABLISHED  408300  146988  24807  24804 00102 00020000 0000000000275879 10180081 00080900      1      0 000001
tcp4       0      0       ESTABLISHED  131072  132432  24807  24804 00102 00020000 0000000000275878 10180081 00080900      1      0 000001
tcp4       0      0     ESTABLISHED 1511016  131768  24807  24804 00102 00020000 000000000027585b 10180081 00080900      1      0 000001
Text Only
$ sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
systemd         1             root   79u  IPv4  116762      0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
rpcbind      2942             _rpc    4u  IPv4  116762      0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
systemd-r    2947  systemd-resolve   13u  IPv4  142435      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
sshd         3175             root    3u  IPv4  273290      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
rpc.statd    3329            statd    9u  IPv4   18403      0t0  TCP *:35287 (LISTEN)
virt-expo  135395             root    9u  IPv4  334360      0t0  TCP *:9411 (LISTEN)
node_expo  178456         node-exp    3u  IPv4  593613      0t0  TCP *:9100 (LISTEN)
systemd_e  178515 systemd-exporter    3u  IPv4  624258      0t0  TCP *:9558 (LISTEN)


Use uniq -c to get counts of each occurence. This is more commonly used like cat file.txt | sort | uniq -c.


Can also use sort with -u, which is equivalent to sort | uniq.



FUSE diagram

FUSE stands for Filesystem in Userspace. It is a software interface that allows non-privileged applications to provide their own filesystem and mount it within the Linux file namespace. The FUSE module (which is a kernel module) provides a software bridge to the kernel interfaces.




VFS, or Virtual File System, is a component of the Linux kernel that provides the filesystem interface to userspace programs. The VFS is what implements open, stat, chmod, and other similar filesystem-related system calls. The pathnames passed to these calls is used by the VFS to lookup the directory entry cache, aka dentry cache or dcache). This allows very fast lookups of dentries without needing to reference the backing filesystem.


sysfs is a special filesystem maintained by the linux kernel that allows you to inspect the state of running processes.

Text Only
$ ls -lah /proc/21/
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x   9 root root 0 Oct 28 17:16 .
dr-xr-xr-x 238 root root 0 Oct 28 17:16 ..
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root root 0 Dec  8 15:43 attr
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 0 Dec  8 15:43 autogroup
-r--------   1 root root 0 Dec  8 15:43 auxv
-r--r--r--   1 root root 0 Dec  8 15:43 cgroup
--w-------   1 root root 0 Dec  8 15:43 clear_refs

There are a lot of useful bits here. For example, you can inspect all open file descriptors for a process. In fact, this is what lsof uses to show open files:

Text Only
$ ls -l /proc/79808/fd                    
lr-x------ 1 ltclipp ltclipp 64 Dec  8 15:44 0 -> /dev/null  
lrwx------ 1 ltclipp ltclipp 64 Dec  8 15:44 1 -> 'socket:[126462260]'
lrwx------ 1 ltclipp ltclipp 64 Dec  8 15:44 10 -> /tmp/foo.txt

You can view your own kernel info:

Text Only
$ ls -l /proc/self/
dr-xr-xr-x   2 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 attr
-rw-r--r--   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 autogroup
-r--------   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 auxv
-r--r--r--   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 cgroup
--w-------   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 clear_refs
-r--r--r--   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 cmdline
-rw-r--r--   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 comm
-rw-r--r--   1 ltclipp ltclipp   0 Dec  8 15:47 coredump_filter

Kernel Modules,as%20built%2Din%20or%20loadable.

The linux kernel allows you to hot-load pieces of code, usually drivers (or really anything that needs to run in kernel space).

You can view the list of available modules:

Text Only
 $ kmod list
Module                  Size  Used by
nfsv3                  57344  0
nfs_acl                16384  1 nfsv3
nfs                   389120  1 nfsv3
lockd                 122880  2 nfsv3,nfs
grace                  16384  1 lockd


A DRAC (Dell Remote Access Controller) is a hardware unit within a server chassis that is capable of monitoring, deploying, and interacting with the main server hardware and host outside of the typical kernel. It's often integrated into the motherboard itself, and acts as a standalone computer that you can log into and issue commands to.

The main benefit of a DRAC is being able to independently execute commands to the host kernel (either through a console or through power cycling commands via hardware), monitoring the health of hardware components, configuring hardware, BIOS, host OS, and various other facets.

Kernel Parameters


An "adaptive-tick" CPU is one where the kernel can temporarily disable the scheduling clock ticks if there is only one runnable task on the core. This is useful in realtime or latency-sensitive applications that need to not be interrupted for scheduling work. The nohz_full kernel boot parameter specifies which cores should be the adaptive-tick cores.

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Cores which are not currently configured (by the kernel's runtime logic) to receive scheduling interrupts are considered to be "dyntick-idle":


An idle CPU that is not receiving scheduling-clock interrupts is said to be "dyntick-idle", "in dyntick-idle mode", "in nohz mode", or "running tickless". The remainder of this document will use "dyntick-idle mode".



Security-Enhanced Linux is a linux security module that provides the ability to implement access control policies. In Linux, the default access control mechanisms are done through what's called Discretionary Access Controls (DAC). The granularity of a DAC is only based off of user, group, and "other" permissions, and are applied to specific files.

SELinux implements Mandatory Access Control (MAC). System resources have what's called an SELinux context. The context, otherwise known as an SELinux Label, abstracts away the underlying resources and instead focuses on only the security properties of the underlying object.


The /etc/sudoers file is a file on Linux systems that describes various actions that users are allowed to take as the root user. The man page describes in depth the details of this file:

Text Only
SUDOERS(5)                                                                                                      File Formats Manual                                                                                                     SUDOERS(5)

       sudoers - default sudo security policy plugin

       The sudoers policy plugin determines a user's sudo privileges.  It is the default sudo policy plugin.  The policy is driven by the /private/etc/sudoers file or, optionally, in LDAP.  The policy format is described in detail in the
       SUDOERS FILE FORMAT section.  For information on storing sudoers policy information in LDAP, see sudoers.ldap(5).


An ACL, or Access Control List, commonly refers to extra access policies that are applied to specific files or directories. You can view ACLs in most POSIX-compatible filesystems using the getfacl command:

Text Only
ubuntu@primary:/tmp$ echo hello > test.txt
ubuntu@primary:/tmp$ getfacl test.txt
# file: test.txt
# owner: ubuntu
# group: ubuntu

You can apply ACLs using the setfacl command (some additional examples can be found here):

Text Only
ubuntu@primary:/tmp$ setfacl -m user:ubuntu:rw test.txt
ubuntu@primary:/tmp$ getfacl test.txt
# file: test.txt
# owner: ubuntu
# group: ubuntu

As you can see, this allows you finer grained control over access to your filesystem objects.


Huge pages are a memory optimization technique whereby you grant your application memory space that uses larger memory page allocation sizes. The typical page size is 4096 bytes, but by enabling hugepages, you can get much larger page sizes. This improves performance in workloads that use large blocks of memory because there will be fewer requests sent to the page cache.

Allocating Huge Pages

The following examples are stolen from this blog post.

Using mmap

void *ptr = mmap(NULL, 8 * (1 << 21), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                 -1, 0))

You can also link these mappings to a named file descriptor on the hugetlbfs filesystem. Hugepages are drawn from a pool of allocated pages. The size of this pool can be modified.

Kernel command-line parameter

The hugepages parameter can be provided to the kernel to reserve a pool of huge pages. This can also be allocated at runtime using the procfs or sysfs interface.

For example:

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root@primary:/home/ubuntu# echo 20 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
root@primary:/home/ubuntu# cat /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages


Specifying the kernel command-line parameter is the more reliable method of allocating hugepage pools, as memory has not yet become fragmented. It's possible hugepage allocation can fail at runtime due to fragmentation.

You can also specify more exact sizes:

Text Only
root@primary:/home/ubuntu# cat /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/free_hugepages
root@primary:/home/ubuntu# ls /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/
hugepages-1048576kB  hugepages-2048kB  hugepages-32768kB  hugepages-64kB

Transparent Huge Pages

Enabling THP allows the kernel to automatically promote regular pages into huge pages.



Kickstart is an installation mechanism provided by Redhat that allows you to install and configure operating systems in an automated fashion. Cobbler is used to automate the kickstart configuration process.

POSIX Signals

number name default action description
1 SIGHUP Terminate Hang up controlling terminal or process. Often used by many systems to mean "please re-read and reload config."
2 SIGINT Terminate Interrupt from keyboard. Ctrl-C.

Kernel Bypass

Kernel Bypass is a technology implemented in Linux (and often other kernels as well) that allows network processing to happen in userspace. This often leads to a huge performance improvement for network-bound applications as the traffic does not have to pass through the kernel-userspace boundary.

These are some kernel bypass techniques:


Allows the kernel to allocate a circular buffer in userspace so that applications can read their memory directly, instead of making one system call per packet.


This is a type of network socket, originally implemented by Napatech ntop cards, that provides a circular ring buffer of the network traffic. This is a kernel module that you must load. The kernel module polls packets from the NIC through Linux NAPI and copies the packets from the NIC to the ring buffer, which lives in kernel space. The user application mmaps itself to this kernel buffer. PF_RING is capable of delivering packets to multiple ring buffers, which allows each application to be isolated from others.


This is a networking framework for Lua applications that allows the app to completely control a network card. The user application acts as a hardware driver. This is done on the PCI device level by mmapping the device registers with sysfs.


A networking framework written in C that is similar to snabbswitch. It also relies on User IO (UIO).


"niceness" is a parameter given to processes that determine their overall runtime priority.


`ionice`` determines the IO scheduling priority and class. The various classes that can be used:

  • Idle: the program with idle IO priority will only get disk time if nothing else is using the disk.
  • Best effort: This is the default scheduling class. Programs running best-effort are served in a round-robin fashion.
  • Realtime: The program with realtime class priority will be given first access to the disk. This must be used with care as there is a potential for realtime processes to starve other processes of disk IO.


nice determines the CPU scheduling priority. Processes have values between -20 (highest priority) and 19 (lowest priority).

CPU Affinity

The taskset command is used to set CPU affinity. Example:

Text Only
$ taskset –cp 2 914745
pid 914745’s current affinity list: 0
pid 914745’s new affinity list: 2

Optimizing for the NUMA node

The lscpu command will show you which cores are on which NUMA node. If possible, applications should be given CPU affinities that are on a single NUMA node to prevent long-distance memory access on a different node.